Dear Members,
This is my last President’s Page. For the past five years, writing this page has
been my monthly ritual, my way of connecting with you. I have cherished the
opportunity that this page has given me to reach out in good and in difficult
times for the International Forum.
The pandemic was a serious threat to an organisation like ours which thrives on
social interactions. My top priority has been the safety of our members. Shutting
down was an option, but that risked permanent closure as we had no idea when
or if life would return to normal. The global situation has worsened with wars in
Ukraine and Gaza that have brought destruction, public suffering, and high
inflation everywhere. Internally, our organisation struggled with reduced
membership and shrinking finances. A load of challenges and uncertainties had
to be dealt with.
Now, a few years down the road and thanks to your loyalty, it is fulfilling to see
IF’s robust growth in terms of membership, finances, activities, and relations
with both UD and CD. We have grown by cherishing the past, enjoying the
present, and preparing for the future.
We are all collectors of something: art, antiques, or books. I collect memories.
My mind is imprinted with magic moments that were important or impish, joyful
or sad, fun or funny. Everyday moments which matter more than big prizes. IF
women are special: well-informed and well-travelled. Interacting with members,
Executive Committee leaders and Board members, going to museums, events
and lectures, attending celebrations and funerals have left strong impressions.
All this, along with your good cheer, your observations, ideas and emails fill my
IF treasure chest of memories.
Being President of International Forum is not a job. We are all volunteers, not
employees. Elected on the same day as our founder Grethe Frydenlund was laid
to rest, the role given to me as IF’s President for five years, was an honour and a
responsibility. My reward for a task completed is the remembrance of your
smiles, your support and your affection during this wonderful journey.
Thank you! May the spirit of International Forum always shine bright.
Best regards,
Anita Pratap