Nuclear Weapons and their Humanitarian Consequences
Since 2019, Dr Anja Lillegraven has been the managing director of Norske leger mot atomvåpen (Norwegian Physicians Against Atomic Weapons), the Norwegian branch of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. Dr Lillegraven holds an MA in Social Anthropology from the University of Oslo. Before engaging in the field of nuclear disarmament, she worked for 12 years at the Rainforest Foundation, including four years as head of the South-East Asia Department.
Dr Lillegraven will talk about the humanitarian consequences of nuclear warfare.
DATE/TIME: Monday, October 3 at 18:45 for (19:00)
SIGN UP: To Anita Solheim, by email: gunnelanitas@icloud.com as soon as possible and no later than Wednesday, September 28.
PRICE: NOK 105.- Please sign up before you pay. Please make your payment preferably by bank transfer to the Forum account: 1600 40 36631 or by VIPPS 591747. No cash will be handled at the venue. Please state the event and your name in the transaction (in the KID-number box for bank payments and in the dialogue box for VIPPS).
TRANSPORT: T-Bane 1 to Vinderen. Pay parking in the area until 20:00.
GUESTS: Guests are welcome if there is room. No-shows will be charged.
For last minute cancellations, please call Anita Solheim mob.: 404 80 944.