The Monthly Meeting Committee is proud to invite our members for a presentation by Dr Ross Wetherbee, researcher in ecology and natural resource management at the Faculty of Environmental Science and Nature Management at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) at Ås.
Dr Wetherbee has a PhD in Ecology and Natural Resource Management from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (2021), an M.S. in Ecology from NMBU & the University Center on Svalbard (UNIS), and a B.S. in Biology from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF). He has published a series of articles on veteran trees and their significant role in sustaining the ecosystem.
He will talk about veteran oaks, insect diversity and ecosystem in southern Norway.
DATE/TIME: Monday, November 7 at 18:45 (for 19:00)
SIGN UP: To Elizabeth S. Rasmussen, by email: no later than Wednesday, October 2.
PRICE: NOK 105.- Please sign up before you pay. Please make your payment preferablyby bank transfer to the Forum account: 1600 40 36631 or by VIPPS 591747. No cash will be handled at the venue. Please state the event and your name in the transaction (in the KID-number box for bank payments and in the dialogue box for VIPPS).
TRANSPORT: T-Bane 1 to Vinderen. Pay parking in the adjoining area until 20:00.
Guests are welcome if there is room. No-shows will be charged. For last minute cancellations, please call Elizabeth Rasmussen on mob.: 406 02 686